
Mencap Clifton Gateway Club

The Clifton Gateway Club is a weekly evening club for adults with learning disabilities.  It meets every Tuesday evening 7-9pm in term-time.  It is affiliated to Mencap.  Each evening, we run different activities, from music and dance nights to quiz nights to Gateway’s Got Talent to bowling to pantomimes. If you’d like to get involved, please let me know.

Shannon Trust

Shannon Trust is a charity devoted to the development of literacy in our prisons through peer to peer mentoring. The charity encourages and helps prisons to develop teams of inmates, who run daily one-on-one lessons for fellow prisoners who do not read.

According to government figures, over a third of all adult prisoners have no useful literacy skills: that is, over 25,000 inmates.

Unicorn London Darts School

The Unicorn London Darts School is a weekly darts club for children aged 10 – 18 years. It is intended to help enhance numeracy skills while learning the fundamental basics of darts. The school meets every Saturday between 10am and 12noon in St. Augustine’s Hall, 55 Fulham Palace Road, Hammersmith, W6. Admission is free! The school is sponsored by The West London Darts League, Unicorn Darts, and Soft-Tips.co.uk. For further information, email lpjames@blueyonder.co.uk

The darts school uses the following two numeracy manuals, which may be downloaded by anyone for any purpose free of charge. They are PowerPoint (.ppt) files:

  • Bullseye counting (.ppt)
  • Bullseye addition (.ppt)
  • Bullseye multiplication (forthcoming)